Board, Committees & Staff
The Board, created by Article 11 of the Arizona Constitution, is composed of eleven members: the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the president of a state university or state college, four lay members, a president or chancellor of a community college district, a person who is an owner or administrator of a charter school, a superintendent of a high school district, a classroom teacher and a county school superintendent. Other than the superintendent of public instruction, each member is appointed to a four-year term by the governor with the consent of the Senate.
State law allows an incumbent to continue to serve until his successor has been confirmed by the senate; nominees are prohibited from serving longer than one year after nomination without Senate consent.
The Board has numerous advisory committees and task forces, listed below. The Department of Education often provides staff support for committees. All committees are subject to open meeting law, and post notices of their meetings here. If you are interested in serving on a Board committee or task force, please submit an application here: Fillable Application.

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