Educator Discipline
Reporting immoral or unprofessional conduct
The Investigative Unit receives complaints against certified and non-certificated educators. Investigations are opened for allegations that would constitute immoral and unprofessional conduct. If a formal complaint – prepared by the Office of the Attorney General – is filed, the educator is accorded due process as provided by law. Any sanctions imposed by the Board become part of the educator’s permanent record and are forwarded to a national database.
If you wish to submit a complaint against an educator, please submit the Statement of Allegations packet below:
Statement of Allegations (Word Version)
Statement of Allegations (Spanish)
Statement of Allegations (Spanish - Word Version)
To contact the investigative unit, please email [email protected].
Child abuse reporting procedures can be found here.
Information on what constitutes immoral and unprofessional conduct can be found here.
HB 2023 Implementation Notice
HB 2023 is effective September 29, 2021. The legislation allows the Board to investigate and discipline non-certificated educators in the same manner as certificated educators. The legislation includes other reporting requirements and information sharing provisions. For more information on the legislation and its impact on educator discipline please review the document below.
Educator Oversight and Discipline
The Board rules in Arizona Administrative Code (A.A.C.), Title 7, Chapter 2, Articles 7 and 13, provide for the adjudication of disciplinary issues and regulation of the conduct of educators.
The Board is responsible for investigating and imposing “such disciplinary action including disciplinary action pursuant to section 15-505 (non-certificated educators) or the issuance of a letter of censure, suspension, suspension with conditions or revocation of a certificate, upon a finding of immoral or unprofessional conduct” pursuant to A.R.S. §§ 15-203(A)(14)and 15-203(A)(20). The Board’s rules provide that educators who violate any provision of A.A.C. R7-2-1308 are deemed to have engaged in immoral or unprofessional conduct and may be disciplined by the Board.
Professionals Practices Advisory Committee (PPAC)
What is the PPAC?
The Professional Practices Advisory Committee (PPAC), a Committee of the Arizona State Board of Education, is responsible for conducting hearings on educators to which allegations of immoral and/or unprofessional conduct have been made. The PPAC is comprised of two alternating groups of nine members. At each PPAC meeting, the Committee may review applications for initial certification, renewals of certification, and conduct hearings on complaints filed against existing educators. After each case is heard, members make findings of fact, conclusions of law, and a recommendation to the Board to approve or deny an application for certification; or in the case of a complaint hearing, make a recommendation regarding whether the Board should impose discipline.
If you have been scheduled for a PPAC hearing, information on what to expect at the hearing can be found in the Guidelines for PPAC Respondents or Applicants
Additional Exhibits
In any contested case where a Respondent/Applicant does choose to submit additional exhibits that were not included in the original documentation, either from the State or from the Respondent/Applicant, such documents will be distributed to the hearing officer and members of the PPAC on the day of the hearing. Board staff requests Respondent/Applicant to supply 10 copies of each additional exhibit to be distributed to the PPAC members, and other necessary parties.
Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law
Respondent/Applicant or Representing Counsel may prepare their own Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law to present to the PPAC. Findings of Fact typically detail each fact of a case, as well as any aggravating or mitigating factors. Conclusions of law cites statutes or administrative codes pertaining to the Board's authority to oversee the discipline process, and the grounds to which disciplinary recommendations are made.
Recommendations resulting from PPAC meetings are presented to the Arizona State Board of Education for approval. Ultimately, the Board makes the decision to accept, reject, or modify the PPAC's recommendation.
Outcomes of any contested cases are officially detailed in a "Board Order" and sent to the Respondent/Applicant or Representing Counsel after the Board meeting has taken place. In addition to this correspondence, the outcomes of discipline cases are also searchable using this tool.
Resources for educators facing discipline
Discipline Process & Resources
A.R.S. 41-1093.05 Notice
Pursuant to section 41-1093.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, an agency shall limit all occupational regulations to regulations that are demonstrated to be necessary to specifically fulfill a public health, safety or welfare concern. Pursuant to sections 41-1093.02 and 41-1093.03, Arizona Revised Statutes, you have the right to petition this agency to repeal or modify the occupational regulation or bring an action in a court of general jurisdiction to challenge the occupational regulation and to ensure compliance with section 41-1093.01, Arizona Revised Statutes.
Educator Discipline Frequently Asked Questions
You can file a Statement of Allegations using the form above.
After a Statement of Allegations is filed, it is reviewed by staff in the Investigative Unit and if applicable, assigned to an investigator.
You can search for a teacher on the Online Arizona Certification Information System (OACIS) ( If the teacher has a disciplinary history, it will note “Disciplinary History on File: Yes” at the top of the page. You can also search the outcome of disciplinary proceedings on our website here:
After an investigation concludes, the case goes to the Enforcement Action Unit who may offer a negotiated settlement if appropriate or will move the case to the Professional Practices Advisory Committee (PPAC) who holds a hearing to review the case and make a recommendation to the Board for discipline. PPAC recommendations are presented in Board meetings and the Board makes the final decision.
If you have previously received educator discipline and have completed the requirements, please contact the Enforcement Action Unit ([email protected]) for next steps.