Board adopted rules regulating public schools are found in Title 7, Chapter 2 of the Arizona Administrative Code. The published version of Board Rule can be found in the Arizona Administrative Code (button below) which is updated quarterly by the Secretary of State's Office.
Board Rules in the Arizona Administrative Code
For rules the Board is currently considering, view the “Rule Proposals” header. For rules that the Board recently adopted and are awaiting publication by the Secretary of State, please view the “Recently Adopted Rules” header. The “Rulemaking Procedures” header outlines the Board’s rulemaking process.
If you would like to submit a public comment on rules, please submit them to [email protected] or you may attend a public hearing on the rules.
Rulemaking Procedures
Rule Proposals
- Understanding Proposed Board Rules
- R7-2-401(E)(4) Written Notice and Availability of Contract Information
Recently Adopted Rules
- R7-2-1307, R7-2-1309, R7-2-704 Educator Discipline (Effective January 27, 2025)
- R7-2-615 Endorsements (Effective February 24, 2025)
- R7-2-301.A.4.b., R7-2-302.A.1.b, Instruction on the Holocaust and other Genocides (Effective October 21, 2024)
- R7-2-401(G)(4) Special Education Age of Transition Service (Effective October 21, 2024
- R7-2-608 Early Childhood Education Teaching Certificate (Effective June 24, 2024)
- R7-2-609 Elementary Teaching Certificate (Effective June 24, 2024)
- R7-2-320 State Seal of Civics Literacy (Effective June 24, 2024)
- R7-2-811 Emergency Administration of Seizure Management Plans and Medication (Effective June 24, 2024)
- R7-2-811 Emergency Administration of Seizure Management Plans and Medication (Proposed April 22, 2024)
- R7-2-318 K through Three Reading Program (Effective September 25, 2023)
- R7-2-902 Independent Accounting Responsibilities (Effective May 22, 2023)
- R7-2-602.02 Teacher Leader Professional Standards (Effective May 22, 2023)
- Article 15 - ESA Rule (Effective January 23, 2023)
- R7-2-302 Minimum Course of Study and Competency Requirements for Graduation from High School (Effective 12-09-22)
- Educator Certification (Effective 12-09-22) R7-2-604, R7-2-604.02, R7-2-604.03, R7-2-604.05, R7-2-604.06, R7-2-607, R7-2-610.02, R7-2-616, R7-2-619
- R7-2-618 Certification Fees (Effective 12-09-22)
- R7-2-614, Other Teaching Certificates (Effective January 24, 2022)
- R7-2-615, Literacy Endorsement (Effective January 25, 2022)
- Article 15 ESAs (Effective December 13, 2021 and January 1, 2022)
- R7-2-619 Certification Renewal (Effective October 26, 2021)
- R7-2-301 and R7-2-302 Minimum Course of Study (Effective October 26, 2021)
- R7-2-615 Gifted Education Endorsement (Effective September 27, 2021)
- Educator Discipline (Effective September 27, 2021)
- R7-2-601 and R7-2-607 Certification (Effective September 27, 2021)
- R7-2-300, R7-2-310 and R7-2-311 Statewide Assessment (Effective September 27, 20
- R7-2-1001, R7-2-1069, R7-2-1070, R7-2-1141 Procurement (Effective September 27,
- R7-2-303 Sex Education (Effective September 27, 2021)
- R7-2-809 and R7-2-810, Epi Pens and Inhalers (Effective August 27, 2021)
- R7-2-317 Seal of Biliteracy (Effective August 27, 2021)
- R7-2-303 Sex Education (Effective June 28, 2021)
- R7-2-602.01 Induction Program Standards (Effective April 26, 2021)
- R7-2-615.01 Visually and Hearing Impaired Endorsement (Effective April 26, 2021)
- R7-2-312 Honorary High School Diploma (Effective January 25, 2021)
- Article 15 - ESA Rule
- R7-2-301 and R7-2-302 Holocaust and Genocide Instruction (Effective October 26, 2020)
- R7-2-604, R7-2-604.03, R7-2-604.05 - Alt Prep Approval Process (Effective May 18
- R7-2-614 - Emergency Teaching Certificate (Effective May 18, 2020)
- R7-2-616 - Admin Certificates (Effective May 18, 2020)
- R7-2-623 - Cert Rules During Public Health Emergency (Effective May 18, 2020)
- R7-2-302.11 Emergency Minimum Course of Study and Competency Requirements
- Article 10 and Article 11 District Procurement (Effective July 1, 2020
- R7-2-615.01 Special Education Endorsements (Effective February 25, 2020)
- R7-2-619 Certification Renewal (Effective January 27, 2020)
- R7-2-604 Definitions (Effective 12-13-19)
- Article 13 - Summary Suspensions (Effective 12-13-19)
- R7-2-306 English Language Learner Programs (Effective 12-13-19)
- R7-2-321 Arts Seal (Effective October 28, 2019)
- R7-2-303 Sex Education (Effective 5-20-2019)
- R7-2-615 Computer Science Endorsements (Effective 5-20-2019)
- R7-2-617 School Counselor Certificate
- R7-2-604.03 Alternative Educator Preparation Program Approval Process (Effective 3-25-19)
- R7-2-319 State Seal of Personal Finance Proficiency (Effective 3-25-19)
- R7-2-320 - State Seal of Civics Literacy (Effective 3-25-19)
- Article 13 - Unprofessional and Immoral Conduct (Effective 3-27-19)
- R7-2-201 and R7-2-206 Certification Denial Appeals (Effective 12-17-18)
- R7-2-1003, R7-2-1004, R7-2-1014, R7-2-1093, R7-2-1112 Procurement (Effective 10-22-18)
- R7-2-809 Emergency Administration of Auto-Injectable Epinephrine (Effective 10-2-18
- R7-2-810 Emergency Administration of Inhalers (Effective 10-22-18)
- R7-2-609 Elementary Teaching Certificate (Effective 9-24-18)
- R7-2-610.02 Subject Matter Expert Teaching Certificate (Effective 9-24-18)
- R7-2-614 Other Teaching Certificates (Effective 9-24-18)
- R7-2-617 Other Professional Certificates (Effective 9-24-18)
- R7-2-606 Proficiency Assessment (Effective 4-23-18)
- R7-2-611 Special Education Teaching Certificates (Effective 4-23-18)
- R7-2-609.01 Middle Grades Certificate
- R7-2-301 and R7-2-302 K-8 and 9-12 Minimum Course of Study
- R7-2-612 CTE Teaching Certificates
- R7-2-612.01 Specialized CTE Teaching Certificate
- R7-2-401 Special Education (Effective 10-23-17)
- Certification Rule Package (Effective 8-9-17)
- R7-2-810 Emergency Administration of Inhalers (Effective 8-9-17)
- R7-2-318 K-3 Reading Program (Effective 5-22-17)
- R7-2-607.01 Subject Areas - Waiver (Effective 1-23-17)
- R7-2-614(K) Student Teaching Intern Certificate (Effective 1-23-17)
- R7-2-612 Career and Technical Education Teaching Certificates (Effective 1-23-17)
- Educator Certification Enforcement Actions (Effective 1-23-17) R7-2-205; R7-2-701; R7-2-705; R7-2-1304; R7-2-1307; R7-2-1308
- R7-2-617 School Social Worker Certificate (Effective 12-19-16)
- R7-2-615 Structured English Immersion (SEI) Endorsement (Effective 8-6-16)
- R7-2-621 Reciprocity (Effective 8-6-16)